There may be trouble ahead…

Parminder Bansal
1 min readNov 9, 2016

The world may look a bleaker and darker place today. Significant parts of the US and, back in the summer, the UK, peered into the abyss, and thought…fuck it, and jumped in. Feet first and eyes closed. The ramifications of these monumentus events are only just starting to be felt. Time will tell how the US and UK will evolve, and how the rest of the world will adjust.

Right now. We wait. We focus on what and who is around us and what is in our control. Our families. Our friends. Our work. Our hobbies. 2016 has been tough. But one thing is for sure. We must continue to show decency and respect for one another. We need people to be checks and balances. Be a voice against bigotry and disrespect. Emphasise the similarities between the people we meet and interact with. Don’t focus on the differences. Now more than ever.

Take a break from the continuous flow of media commentary and opinion. Take a breath. Take a pause. Go and do something. Create something. Get some perspective. Let’s press the reset button on our minds. Tomorrow is another day. The sun will rise. This planet Earth will turn. There is hope.



Parminder Bansal

A British Indian living in Gothenburg, Sweden, looking at a blank page. Just waiting for inspiration…